Announcing the Wolfram Education Portal

From the press release:

Wolfram Offers Next Innovation in Education Technology with Wolfram Education Portal

Champaign, Illinois–January 18, 2012–Wolfram today announced the launch of the Wolfram Education Portal, providing teachers and students alike with a new way to integrate technology into learning.

The Wolfram Education Portal, available at, comes equipped with dynamic teaching tools and materials such as an interactive textbook, lesson plans aligned to the common core standards, and many other supplemental materials for courses, including Demonstrations, widgets, and videos, all built by Wolfram education experts.

“Wolfram has long been a trusted name in education, as the creators of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and the Wolfram Demonstrations Project,” says Crystal Fantry, Senior Education Specialist at Wolfram. “We have created some of the most dynamic teaching and learning tools available, and the Wolfram Education Portal offers the best of all of these technologies to teachers and students in one place.”

The Education Portal, currently in Beta, contains full materials for Algebra and partial materials for Calculus, but will continue to grow and improve. Wolfram plans to expand the Education Portal to include community features, problem generators, web-based course apps, and the ability to create personalized content.

Wolfram developed the interactive textbook by working with the CK-12 Foundation, a nonprofit organization with the mission to produce free and open-source K-12 materials aligned to state curriculum standards and customized to meet student and teacher needs. The available Algebra textbook takes CK-12’s Algebra I FlexBook and makes it dynamic with Wolfram technologies, including Wolfram|Alpha widgets, Wolfram|Alpha links, interactive Demonstrations created in Mathematica, and the Computable Document Format (CDF).

Sample widget

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