Welcome to the professional website of Sylvia Libow Martinez.
My motto: Empower the learner.
I write, speak, and advocate around the world for authentic, future-focused learning. I’m co-author of Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom, a book advocating innovative learning using modern technology, real world design principles, and creative, hands-on experiences. The book has been hailed as the “bible of the maker movement in schools.”
I keynote national and international education and technology conferences in areas ranging from the maker movement in education, the impact of the coming 4th industrial revolution, project-based and inquiry-based learning with technology, gender issues in education, and new advances in STEM and STEAM education.
New! Expanded and Fully Revised!
Just published – The second edition of Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom – expanded and fully updated for 2019. The new book includes new technology like the BBC micro:bit, Hummingbird Robotics, littleBits, and new programming environments for learners.
As the Principal Advisor to Columbia University’s FabLearn Fellows, I help steer this global group of changemaker educators in the effort to ensure that “making” in education is not a fad or buzzword. I help them tell their amazing stories to a worldwide audience.

My message is that the future is already here if you are looking carefully. The fourth industrial revolution predicts a global disruption not just in manufacturing, but in education, business, and all aspects of society. What is required is creativity, diversity, and innovation to anticipate what’s coming without fear or trepidation.
I consult with educators and school organizations to develop inclusive new curriculum and spaces that inspire invention and design across all subject areas. Together, we can craft professional development opportunities that drive meaningful, practical change in K-12 classrooms.
At Constructing Modern Knowledge Press, I manage the publication of a growing list of books that give maker educators a voice to show that constructive, student-centered learning is not only possible, but happening in innovative learning spaces around the world.
I also consult with selected companies seeking to understand how their practices and products can support meaningful learning experiences in formal and informal education spaces.

About me: My resume/CV, bio, and other stories.
About my book: Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom
Find and/or hire me: Upcoming events, keynotes, workshops, etc.
Read me: My blog
Email me: sylvia [at] inventtolearn [dot] com
Tweet me: @smartinez

All content on this site is owned by Sylvia Martinez unless otherwise noted. Please ask for permission before use, I’ll likely grant it!