Resources for Girls and STEM presentations
Girls & STEM: Making it Happen Tuesday, June 30, 4:00–5:00 pm Sylvia Martinez PCC Ballroom B
Citations and other resources mentioned in this presentation
Power, Access, Status: The Discourse of Race, Gender, and Class in the Maker Movement
Leah Buechley – Gender, Making, and the Maker Movement (video from FabLearn 2013)
National Girls Collaborative Project (links to many others)
National Council of Women and Informational Technology
American Association of University Women
Unesco International Bureau of Education (IBE) – Multiple resources such as: Strengthening STEM curricula for girls in Africa, Asia and the Pacific; 10 Facts about Girls and Women in STEM in Asia
WISE (UK) – campaign to promote women in science, technology, and engineering
My posts about gender issues, stereotype threat, and other topics mentioned in this session
Stereotype Threat – Why it matters
Inclusive Makerspaces (article for EdSurge)
What a Girl Wants: Self-direction, technology, and gender
Self-esteem and me (a girl) becoming an engineer
Securing Australia’s Future STEM: Country Comparisons – Australian Council of Learned Academies
Effective STEM Programs for Adolescent Girls: Three Approaches and Many Lessons Learned
Women’s underrepresentation in science: Sociocultural and biological considerations. (2009)
Gresham, Gina. “A study of mathematics anxiety in pre-service teachers.” Early Childhood Education Journal 35.2 (2007): 181-188.
Beilock, Sian L., et al. “Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.5 (2010): 1860-1863.
Teachers’ Spatial Anxiety Relates to 1st- and 2nd-Graders’ Spatial Learning
National Center for Educational Statistics
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center