Virtual worlds interactive timeline

Anyone interested in Virtual Worlds will enjoy this interactive timeline. It covers over 200 years of immersive and simulated worlds in fiction, art, and technology, starting with the panorama picture “…invented by Robert Baker and patented in 1787 as “La Nature a coup d’Oeil”.

I can’t vouch for the veracity of every piece of information here, but I didn’t notice anything obviously missing or wrong. Pretty cool to stroll back through memory lane… anyone remember The Palace?


Physics Simulations Online

Passed on from Michael Steinberg of New York City – PhET Physics Education Technology – a terrific website full of fun, interactive simulations of physical phenomena. There are simulations for biology, physics, chemistry, math, electronics and more.

There are lessons and workshops for teachers, research support and lots of support materials.

The simulations can be run online or downloaded and run offline, and there is even an option to easily download all the simulations in one package.

These simulations look terrific and have easy to use controls and help integrated into each one. Unlike some interactive simulations, these have measurement tools built in so they can be used to support real science learning. Many of them have also been translated into many languages, and are open source so they can be modified if you want.

Check it out!
