Announcing: The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success

We are proud to announce the publication of The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success

by David Thornburg, Norma Thornburg, and Sara Armstrong

3DP_3DThis book is an essential guide for educators interested in bringing the amazing world of 3D printing to their classrooms.  Learn about the exciting technology, powerful new design software, and even advice for purchasing your first 3D printer.

The real power of the book comes from a variety of teacher-tested step-by-step classroom projects. Eighteen fun and challenging projects explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, along with forays into the visual arts and design AND are connected to Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards.

The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom is written in an engaging style by authors with decades of educational technology experience.

Buy today at (Print or Kindle)!

New from CMK Press – The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom

Coming June 2014 – The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom: Recipes for Success

by David Thornburg, Norma Thornburg, and Sara Armstrong

This book is an essential guide for educators interested in bringing the amazing world of 3D printing to their classrooms.  Learn about the exciting technology, powerful new design software, and even advice for purchasing your first 3D printer.

The real power of the book comes from a variety of teacher-tested step-by-step classroom projects. Eighteen fun and challenging projects explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, along with forays into the visual arts and design.

The Invent To Learn Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom is written in an engaging style by authors with decades of educational technology experience.

 Subscribe to our mailing list for the announcement!

Maker classrooms: Is there an app for that?

Since publishing Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom, Gary and I have done many sessions, workshops, and webinars introducing teachers, students, and parents to the fabulous tools and technology of the Maker Movement and the powerful ideas about learning it embodies.

One question we get asked is, “What iPad/iPhone apps can I use for Maker classroom activities?” While there are certainly many apps that provide creativity options (with more being added every day), what people are asking for are apps that go deeper in supporting 3D printing, computational technology, physical computing, robotics, wearable computing, and programming.

Sad to say, the answer is, “not much”. For things like programming and interfacing with microcontrollers like Arduino, the best use for an iOS device is as a reference resource – playing videos and reading online manuals on how things work, while you work on the real thing in front of you. Or secondly, taking photos and videos to document the process. And I really don’t count apps that work as front ends for design or product databases, those to me are also just other forms of reference material.

Now, that’s not a slap at using the devices that way. It’s a huge advantage to have fast access to reference material and an easy-to-use device to document your progress! My iPad is an essential part of my personal maker-space to constantly look things up or watch videos while I’m working. But I’m pretty sure that’s not what people mean.

The lack of maker apps for iOS* is mostly because:

1. There is no USB connection on iOS devices, which is the typical way programs are downloaded to microcomputers (like Arduino or the Lilypad.)

2. Apple restricts iPad apps that have any kind of real programming capability. There are some apps that simulate programming, but nothing is allowed that is a real programming language, even ones as nice and wonderful as Turtle Art or Scratch, or even simple compilers like the Arduino Development Environment. (Scratch 2.0, which runs in the browser, still won’t run on iOS because iOS does not support Flash.)

That said, there are some companion apps that might be useful in some maker classrooms:

  • 3D scanning/design apps – these use iPhones/iPads to scan 3D objects so that the objects can be recreated in CAD programs and potentially 3D printed or used in games such as Minecraft. There are also simple design apps that allow for 3D design. In both cases the objects need to be uploaded to a web database and then downloaded to your print control software on your computer. AutoDesk is one source. (It’s highly likely that this will change in the near future and there will be iOS apps that can do the design and then beam the design file directly to the printer. But not many school-accessible printers these days can do this.)
  • Circuit CAD programs – there are circuit design apps available. In many cases, these will be too complex for all but the most dedicated HS students.
  • Electronic circuit “helper” apps – For example, there are apps that read resistors and translates the color coded bands on them to resistance values. There are also Ohm’s Law calculator apps, reference apps for pinouts or other specifications of parts and circuitry, etc.
  • I found one Arduino simulator app in the iTunes store, but there are no reviews and I haven’t tried it. Seems like a lot of work when it’s probably just as easy to try things out for real using the real parts.

More complex:

  • You could get an Ethernet or other wireless shield for the Arduino to extend its capabilities. Then there are apps designed to control the Arduino using the iPhone/iPad like a wireless remote. However, you still have to program the Arduino with a real computer.
  • Other apps can collect data from the Arduino and create data logs and graphs (Again you would need an additional shield on top of your Arduino to transmit data.)
  • O’Reilly publishes a book on using iOS sensor apps with Arduino

*Note: I realize that “apps” also run on Android and Chromebooks, but that’s a whole different post! Very briefly, Chromebooks do have a USB port, but still only run programs through the browser. This would allow for Scratch 2.0, but not using Scratch to control physical computing devices. There is some discussion in the Arduino forum about programming Arduinos with Chromebooks, but the discussion is pretty technical, and honestly, if you can follow the discussion, you don’t need me to help answer this question! Also, yes, some Android phones have sort-of USB ports. But every project I read, even the “easy” ones, came with warnings about frying your phone. Not really something I can recommend!


10 Myths about Iterative Design

  1. Iterative design is a skill review. Iterative design is a good way to find out if students actually learned skills that were taught on previous assignments.
  2. Iterative design stages are fixed and if they skip one, students should go back do it again.
  3. Iterative design means that teachers should specify how many “drafts” a student should complete, and have specific milestones for each draft or prototype.
  4. The process and steps of iterative design should be taught before any design actually begins. Students should be able to name and use the correct vocabulary before being allowed to do any design or construction.
  5. Teachers should require documentation from students that shows the steps and thinking they went through at each stage of a project.
  6. Iterative design takes too much time, so a good way to shortcut it is to tell the students how each step should look and what the intermediate products should be.
  7. Iterative design means that you can’t assess student work, so should be combined with “real” assessment, like a multiple choice test.
  8. Iterative design is something to do only after students complete real classroom work on the topic.
  9. Students will just goof off if I don’t tell them exactly what to do every minute.
  10. Students will just beg me to tell them what to do next.


Programming – Just Do It

“I like programming because I like being able to sit down and just do it, I like how it makes you think and I like working on projects with my dad. I also like reading, writing, drawing, math, TV and word games.

My motivation is to be a great person, to help the world, to make discoveries and to prove that girls and women can do anything.”

Alexandra Jordan, a fourth grader from Sunnyvale, programmed a playdate app called Super Fun Kid Time, which she is planning to launch in November. In honor of the International Day of the Girl — formally recognized by the United Nations on October 11th, 2012 — TechCrunch asked Jordan to write a guest post on her experiences as a young coder.

Alexandra’s simple explanation of why she likes programming is clear enough. Programming is thoughtful, social, and helps her feel like she can make the world a better place.

To me, age-appropriate concepts like these, not future job prospects or global competition, are the real reasons we should be teaching programming to all children.

Read her entire post>>>

10 reasons for Genius Hour; 10 signs it will fail

Top ten reasons for Genius Hour (other names are 20% time, FedEx time, etc.):

  1. I want to add space and time for interesting and engaging activities to my classroom, especially cross-curricular projects that don’t fit into the curriculum.
  2. I hope to create models of student-driven, project-based learning that will show parents, administrators, and others that this kind of learning really works, offers opportunities for deeper learning that meets standards, and therefore should be done more than an hour a week.
  3. My students, especially my non-traditional learners, need to see that their interests, ideas and problem-solving styles are valued and valuable.
  4. I plan to use the projects students create for Genius Hour as starting points that I can extend and incorporate into other class lessons and activities.
  5. I can’t wait to create opportunities for all students to shine, and then celebrate a wider variety of student contribution and work.
  6. My classroom needs to become a more collaborative  community where ideas are shared and peer expertise is valued.
  7. I have talented student leaders who can mentor others.
  8. I want to balance a highly competitive school atmosphere where extrinsic factors such as scores and grades dominate.
  9. I believe that students need more agency over their own learning.
  10. Encouraging imagination and creativity will help my kids love school.

Top ten reasons for doing a Genius Hour doomed to failure

  1. It will be an hour for me to relax while the kids have a good time.
  2. I was told to do it.
  3. It’s one less hour of lesson planning for me.
  4. The kids will figure out what to do. It will be magical!
  5. I have a full set of lesson plans and worksheets that someone else wrote for their Genius Hour that I can follow to the letter.
  6. It will get the kids energized so we can buckle down to real work after Genius Hour is over.
  7. I heard Google does it and they are tech savvy and creative, so this will make my kids tech savvy and creative.
  8. I  can pull some kids out of Genius Hour to do extra test prep while the other kids are busy.
  9. Doing a Genius Hour means I don’t have to change anything else.
  10. All the parents think their child is a genius, so this will make parents happy.

See also – Design Thinking, computational thinking, genius hour, and making in the classroom – good, bad, worse