From Daymotion (a video sharing website):
Submit your Give One Get One (G1G1) commercial for a chance to win a national TV spot! This an amazing opportunity for you to “give back“ during the holiday season and have the chance for even broader exposure of your creative work.
Video guidelines: Create a 30 or 60 second video promoting One Laptop per Child Give One Get One campaign. Get inspired by the concept of connecting children around the world. Need a prompt? How about the G1G1 tagline: Give a laptop, Get a laptop, Change the world
You can be as creative as you want! But remember, the commercial should be kid friendly. In fact, kids are encouraged to participate, along with the guidance and support of a parent or legal guardian. For prize consideration, all submissions must be 100% original, please do not use copyrighted images or music.
Contest begins November 17, 2008 and closes December 15, 2008. Only US residents are eligible for prize consideration.
Note: Be aware that if you stray off the G1G1 page at Daymotion, there are videos available that have inappropriate themes for classroom use.