It’s meme time again! Memes are the Web 2.0 version of a chain letter, an idea passed from one person to another to create variations on a central theme.
This one is called the Passion Quilt Meme and I’ve been tagged by Barbara Bray. The directions are to find an image that reflects what you are most passionate for kids to learn about. That’s a pretty tall order!
Browsing through Flickr I found an image that spoke to me and added a poster frame.
Because in reality, there is not any one thing that I think kids should learn “about.”
To me, learning is not about things or facts or tools. It is about a child building an image of themselves that has power. If that is instilled in youth, there is no limit to what they can decide to learn about.
I just hope that every child in the world can think of themselves as learners. I hope they have the opportunity to find their passion. I want them to be welcomed as valuable participants in society. I want them to care and be cared for. I hope that they can envision a future where they are in charge of their own lives.
Directions: Find or create an image that captures what you are most passionate for kids to learn about.
- Post a picture from a source like Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn…and give your picture a short title.
- Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt” and link back to this blog entry.
- Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce.
Tagging people from my Flickr/Twitter/Facebook network:
Love it, Sylvia. I really appreciate your last 5 entries…right on target for me, even more so than usual!
Keep up the great writing and sharing,
Oh I love that picture and frame you added. I’ll try and add to this week. Fabulous idea!
I am most passionate about kids learning the joy of the discovery of learning paths .. learning for its own sake. I like students to find the creativity within them and to release the innovation, construction, imagination, creativity and use it in wonderful ways.
Where do I post this ? I used to teach the gifted students and I learned from teaching that perhaps every child tagged as gifted or not,has a gift. It was so much fun to teach them using creative ways to unleash their interests, their writings, their experiments, their own passions in positive ways. Mine links very much to your. I like to give students self confidence in their own learning, own ideas, and boost their feelings of self worth.
You may have taught as I did in the age of creativity. I liked students to identify themselves as a color, a fruit, a season, a number, a letter if possible, you get the drift. I was purple because it is unusual, and eleven because I have long legs, and my season was summer because I think I am warm.. I would be a cat
because I love cats and love to stretch,,,,
The thing about discovering your own passions is that often in education
we push for students to learn what WE want them to learn. I will share a photo.
This is such a creative way to give voice to everyone who is passionate about teaching and learning that is focused on nurturing the “whole child”.
What an authentic way to lose the amnesia of only focusing on academic rigor and help bring meaning and purpose back into education!
Thank you for your kindness in including me. I will definitely pass this along to other Virtues Project facilitators who are in over 90 countries around the world! The Virtues Project was honored by the United Nations as a model global program for all cultures. It will be really beautiful to see what “Passion” looks like around the world!
This is awesome. Kids are being taught to just have the right answer or they have failed therefore they are not risk takers nor imaginative. This is a way for them to think out of the box-ha pun intended.