A new blog in town – 1:1 Schools

There’s a new blog in town about 1:1 schools, aptly named the 1:1 Schools blog. Scott McLeod of Iowa State University is the organizer of a group of authors who blog about issues, resources, and the special needs of 1:1 schools. I’m happy to be on the team!

Many of our GenYES and TechYES schools are laptop schools. The philosophy of putting the power into student hands with a laptop fits nicely with empowering students to improve education school-wide!

So naturally, my first post for the 1:1 Schools Blog is about student support of laptop programs. Not just tech support, but support for planning, implementation, and teachers. How can students do this? Do students do this? Yes they can and do in schools around the world!

In most schools, students are over 92% of the people in the system, and they are certainly the ones most affected by any change. Yet we often overlook them when we plan and implement visionary efforts like going 1:1. This does not have to be – students, if allowed to participate, can be powerful allies and evangelists for your laptop revolution.

Read the rest of Students – your best allies and evangelists for your 1:1 program at the 1:1 Schools Blog.


Bookmark This!

A few months ago I got an email from an editor at Cable in the Classroom magazine asking me for a few recommendations for “must read” educational blogs and a one-line review. I figured that these shouldn’t be the obvious ones, but the ones that I go to first in my blog reader. Well, right after Dilbert, anyway.

Here’s the final article PDF: Bookmark This! Who’s on the leading edge of ed-tech blogging? Our panel of educators shares their must-read lists.

They didn’t use every recommendation on my list, so here are my original suggestions in no particular order:

Bridging Differences Diane Ravitch and Deborah Meier This blog is a treasure. These two experts disagree about much in education. But they have a cogent, civilized conversation about it in their posts. It’s what every conversation online or off should aspire to.

Blue Skunk Blog Doug Johnson – funny and real, authentic librarian/technologist voice from the trenches

Artichoke – A deep, deep thinker

Dangerously Irrelevant Scott McLeod – straddles academia, K-12 technology and leadership

Dy/dan Dan Meyer – A math teacher who walks the talk

Learning is Messy Brian Crosby – reat stories that illustrate the ups and downs of the classroom.

Practical Theory Chris Lehmann – Principal of the Science Leadership Academy, Chris grounds his innovative leadership and ed tech ideas in a deep understanding of pedagogy, progressive teaching, and ethics.

The Fischbowl Karl Fisch – This blog is both the staff development blog for a Colorado high school team of teachers and tech coordinators, but also a great source of information

Tuttle SVC Tom Hoffman – Sharp, biting commentary about the history and politics of progressive education, ed tech and open source software use in schools.

Classroom 2.0 – Actually, this is a Ning social network, but contains blogs, and has many teachers new to ed tech blogging, chatting, and discussing.

Stager-to-Go Gary Stager – opinionated, outspoken advocate for children and authentic technology use. Says things that need to be said, but are typically only whispered to your closest friends.

ASCD Newsblast – a thoughtful selection and commentary on education headlines.

Eduwonkette – Really good analysis of education policy and statistics (Unfortunately she stopped blogging in January 2009)

Advancing the Teaching Profession Barnett Barry – Focus on what teacher quality really means and how to get there.

List of all articles available online from the Cable-in-the-Classroom May 2009 issue.

I love all these blogs for very different reasons. Some because of the quality of writing and thought, some for the adventure of never knowing what they will say, some because their voices pierce through the glut of information found online. All of them make me happy that blogs exist and optimistic about the future of online collaboration and communication.


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2008 in review

Found a cool little widget just in time for a “best of 2008” post. According to Postrank – these are the Generation YES blog posts that measured the highest in “audience engagement” for 2008. How do they know? Did they engage you?

Get your own Postrank widget here.

Happy New Year!
