The Constructivist Consortium in partnership with SIGTELE is bringing the popular Constructivist Celebration to Michigan! Plan to join in this MACUL pre-conference learning experience on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 in Grand Rapids. Participants will receive the day’s educational program, a hearty lunch and free software from Constructivist Consortium members, including five free tools from Tech4Learning: Pixie, Frames, WebBlender, Twist, and ImageBlender.
This hugely popular workshop, also offered as a pre-conference event at the National Education Computing Conference (NECC/ISTE) sells out quickly each year. Don’t miss your chance to learn with the best at this full-day, hands-on workshop led by Constructivist Consortium co-directors Melinda Kolk and Gary Stager.
More information and registration here.
If you aren’t convinced, read this article (PDF) by Mary Saffron,
SIG TeleLearning Communications Officer about her experience at the NECC Constructivist Celebration in the latest MACUL Journal.
If you are in the Grand Rapids area or are attending MACUL, be sure to add this event to your conference registration!