The other day I mentioned the K12 Online Conference 2008, and my Games in Education presentation.
But what I forgot to mention is that previous year’s sessions are still available, and still really relevant to educational technology! On the K12online conference website just look down the right sidebar and you will see the links to the archives of all the sessions from the previous years of 2006 and 2007.
Last year I participated in the K12online conference with two sessions and contributed to a third (see K12 Online 2007 Conference – comfy slipper learning for the whole story).
- Web 2.0 – Share the Adventure with Students
- Challenging Assumptions about Technology Professional Development
- Second Life: K-20 Educators Exploring Virtual Worlds – Panel (Live VoiceThread version)
This year I came to my senses and only submitted one idea for a session about games in education. For those of you who don’t know, in two of my many previous careers I was an executive producer for Davidson & Associates (now Knowledge Adventure) and VP of development for a consumer software and console game company. Since then, I’ve kept up with the changes in the game market and uses of games in education.
Creating these presentations push my thinking and my tech skills, and I’m always glad for that.