Mark your calendars – the Second Annual Constructivist Celebration at NECC will take place Sunday June 29, 2008 in San Antonio.
Not a lot of details yet, but the Constructivist Consortium member companies (Generation YES, LCSI, Tech4Learning, Inspiration, Fablevision, and SchoolKit) will host a day of learning and playing with creative software with other like-minded educators. I wrote about the first Constructivist Celebration last June and we are still hearing from attendees about what a great experience it was!
If you are already planning and budgeting for your NECC 2008 travel, be sure to be there for the all-day Sunday event. We’ll wrap up before the NECC opening reception, so you won’t miss a thing!
To find out more, keep an eye on this blog (subscribe) or go to the Constructivist Consortium website and signup to get notified of events by email.
See you in San Antonio!