This week I’ll be in Phoenix at the T+L conference. T+L is the Technology + Learning conference of the National School Board Association. This year it’s in Phoenix, Arizona, October 19-21.
NSBA’s T+L conference is one of my favorite conferences of the year. It’s unique in the fact that whole school teams come to the conference, not just technology folks. This provides a terrific range of perspectives and experience that can’t be matched in conferences that focus on one job title or subject area.
Generation YES is a co-sponsor of the T+L conference, and we’ll be down in the co-sponsor booth area, number 907.
If you are there, I hope you’ll attend a session designed to get everyone thinking about how to “grow your own” resources for technology learning and support in any district. I’m also co-presenting this session Thursday morning with Jeff Billings of the nearby Paradise Valley School District.
Creative Capacity Building for 21st Century Schools
Thursday, 10/21/2010 8:00AM – 9:00AM , Room 222BC
Schools are faced with diminishing technology and training budgets, yet ever increasing needs for technology integration, training and support. Finding cost effective ways to provide these essential ingredients for effective technology is no longer a goal, but a requirement.
Hopefully there will be a T+L Tweetup too – if you’d like to connect, please follow me at smartinez and let’s get together.
See you in Phoenix!