STEM education – good news, bad news

Hurray! There are good jobs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) related fields! STEM: Good Jobs Now and For the Future (US Department of Commerce)

Good news! We know how to interest kids in STEM! Engaging Students’ Interest, Not Just Offering Advanced Classes, Best Promotes Interest in STEM Careers It’s about high interest, engaging classes starting in early years. It’s not just about offering more AP and advanced classes in high school.

Bad news! We are cutting science in early grades Elementary Teachers Getting Less Time for Science. And we are not connecting with students’ actual interests in science nor are we teaching it in the way students say works best for them (hands-on) The disconnect in science education.



One Reply to “STEM education – good news, bad news”

  1. Thanks for holding the STEM banner high.
    As an engineering graduate with one son who is about to complete a STEM degree I also find ways to talk about the value of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math through my work and my blog.

    Let me know if you would like to exchange blog links.

    Dan Ryan
    Ryan Search & Consulting

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